Series Products


The PI Manufacturing Company has designed specific packages to provide standardized services for cloths applicants, which are generally divided into three parts:


These products are designed for stores, clothing fairs/ shows, and for the customers who want to work on sizes and drops basis and give orders as collections.

PI offers customer services in all sizes and drops. Due to our professionalism and expertise, we receive and respond to hundreds of requests for orders on a daily basis. We also provide business consulting to clients in this field.

In addition to providing a variety of designs in different sizes and drops, we provide sufficient information for them till the customers should be able to find out about the garment industries in Afghanistan and the Central Asian countries and should be able to know the usage of cloths for different age groups in the community, using to choose colors, designs and drops.

Those customers who are interested in using pre-made PI products can also request their orders through the address ( After the completion of their orders, we deliver the them to their address which they give us as soon as possible.

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